Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Changes are in-inevitable and in this continuous process of  changes or evolution many memorable faces or events become things of distant past. Though in today's world they may be neglected or forgotten but a look back into those times will  bring out the truth's as to why things are the way as they are of now.
This post is dedicated to all the Bhutia personalities of Darjeeling yesteryear's who helped in shaping the future or have played a crucial role for betterment of our beautiful Darjeeling.


Chebu Lama, Vakil of Sikkim in Darjeeling

"Lama" Kazi Dawa Samdup left with Walter Evans - Wentz (17 June 1868 - 22 March 1923)

S.W.Ladenla (1876-1936) with the deputation of Hill people in Calcutta, 7th Dec., 1917
Standing from left: Dhanman Tamang, Athing Namthak, Yar-pa Dawa Lhondup Pulger, Kusho Wangchuk Tsering, Kusho Gya- Karpo
Sitting: Tarsho Singi Pulger, S.W.Ladenla, Khadga Bahadur Chettri.

Pempa Thendup/ Serky Tshering (1901 - 1951) commoly known as S.Mahinda Thero who gave Sri Lanka their freedom song

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